Outgoing, funny, and fiercesomely fit, Luke is without a doubt one of the hottest models to join the AAG stable in a long time. Proud of his Virginia roots, Luke has “VA Boy” tattooed on his abs. You’d probably notice them anyway since they are impressively defined.
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Hooked on working out, Luke sports one of the tightest bods on the site and loves to show it off. He’s not shy and his artistic work here is beyond sexy. What you can’t help noticing too is Luke’s warm personality and his love of life. He always gives his 100 percent to any endeavor whether it’s one of his legendary AAG-member cam chats or a photo shoot with Michael Anthony Downs. His nearly flawless physique is showcased inside AAG with some dazzling images and several ultra-sexy videos. Don’t miss out on this guy — join AAG now.
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